Dren GËRGURI was born on 29.6.1990 in Prishtina.

Since 2015, he works at the University of Prishtina “Hasan Prishtina” – Department of Journalism, while he works as a journalist since 2009. For a decade, he was part of a national broadcaster in Kosovo, Kohavision (KTV), while after a break, he worked at the Paper Radio as editor-in-chief and he had his podcast, “Log me Dren Gërgurin”, to return to the TV again with the show “EduMedia”, in the period June-July 2022, again in KTV. He has finished his doctoral studies in May 2021, in the “Science of Communication and Journalism” program, at the University of Pristina “Hasan Prishtina”. Currently, he is based in the US, as a Fulbright Scholar at the University of Houston.

He collaborates with the European Journalism Observatory (EJO) and HiveMind. He serves as the associate editor at the Central European Journal of Communication.

Gërguri has also lectured at various European Universities, including San Pablo University of Madrid in Spain, Philipps University of Marburg in Germany, Wroclaw University in Poland, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in Greece, Ataturk University in Turkey, etc. He has been a guest lecturer at Universities in the United States too, including University of Houston, Iowa State University, Drake University, etc.

His research agenda is at the intersection of disinformation, political communication, media effects, and populism.

His hobbies are reading and traveling.

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